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PSYCLN 501 Issues in Clinical Psychology (1, max. 3)
Personal and professional issues in clinical psychology. Required for all first-year graduate students majoring in clinical and child-clinical psychology. Prerequisite: graduate major standing in clinical psychology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AW.

PSYCLN 502 Child Clinical Psychology (4)
Issues and content of child clinical psychology, promotion of student's beginning work in research. Prerequisite: graduate major or minor standing in child-clinical psychology.

PSYCLN 510 Research Methods in Clinical and Community Psychology (4)
Addresses issues concerning the design and implementation of research in clinical and community psychology. Topics include validity; reliability; experimental, quasi-, and non-experimental designs; causal inference; interpretation of data; and research ethics. Provides students with tools to evaluate research, develop hypotheses, and design rigorous empirical studies. Offered: A.

PSYCLN 511 Single Subject Design and Research (3)
Single subject designs (reversal, multiple baseline, changing criterion) and their application to clinical cases. Prerequisite: graduate major standing in clinical psychology, or permission of instructor. Offered: W.

PSYCLN 513 Research Strategies in Clinical Psychology (1-2, max. 50)
Group discussions of problems and continuing strategies for ongoing and future research projects. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Psychology, or by permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

PSYCLN 520 Psychological Assessment (3)
Provides a foundation in the theory underlying adult assessment as well as training in specific adult assessment techniques. Focuses on behavioral and cognitive assessment. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

PSYCLN 522 Psychological Assessment of Children (5)
Assessment techniques appropriate to children, including those for infants, special problems of preschool and school-age children; projective tests, family interviews, and target observational assessment; training in administration of selected techniques. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

PSYCLN 523 Approaches to Psychological Assessment (4)
Problem-solving approach to psychological assessment; review of psychological tests and procedures and presentation of approaches to their clinical interpretation and use. Prerequisite: graduate major standing in clinical psychology. Offered: Sp.

PSYCLN 524 Clinical Personality Assessment (3)
Use of objective personality inventories in the description of normal and abnormal personality and use of such information in case conceptualization and treatment planning. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory. Prerequisite: clinical psychology graduate standing. Credit/no-credit only.

PSYCLN 525 Practicum in Psychological Assessment (2)
Demonstration and practice of selected psychological test procedures and interviewing skills. Concurrent registration in PSYCH 576 or PSYCH 578 required. Required for all first-year graduate students majoring in clinical and child-clinical psychology. Prerequisite: graduate major standing in clinical or child-clinical psychology and permission of instructor.

PSYCLN 530 Behavior Disorders (5)
Major types of behavior disorders, with emphasis on clinical manifestations, relevant research, and theoretical perspectives. Required for all graduate students majoring in clinical psychology. Prerequisite: graduate standing in psychology, or permission of instructor. Offered: W.

PSYCLN 531 Developmental Psychopathology (4)
Broad survey of major categories of child and adolescent disorders. Emphasis on scientific, empirical approach to description, classification, and research literature on these disorders. Required for all graduate students majoring in child clinical psychology. Prerequisite: graduate standing in psychology, or permission of instructor. Offered: AWSpS.

PSYCLN 532 Anxiety Disorders (3)
General topics related to primary anxiety disorders (panic, OCD, GAD, posttraumatic stress disorder, and specific phobias), including diagnosis, theory, and treatment.

PSYCLN 540 History and Systems of Psychotherapy (5)
Covers general psychology history and systems. As background to subsequent clinical practicum experiences in the doctoral training program, overviews four major theoretical approaches for conducting psychotherapy, including psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, family systems. Also, covers eclecticism, evidence-based practice, multicultural competency, and clinical psychology's successes and failures at advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion. Prerequisite: graduate student standing in psychology, or permission of instructor. Offered: A.

PSYCLN 541 Approaches to Child Treatment (4)
Major approaches to child psychotherapy, including specific applications, issues in treatment, and research. Prerequisite: graduate major standing in child-clinical psychology, or permission of instructor. Offered: Sp.

PSYCLN 542 Behavior Change (5)
Behavioral theory and behavioral approaches to treatment. Prerequisite: PSYCLN 530. Offered: Sp.

PSYCLN 543 Evidence-based Treatments for Depression (3)
Provides an introductory overview of two or more evidence-based treatments for depression (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavioral activation, and/or Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy). Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Psychology, or by permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

PSYCLN 544 Behavioral Methods: Clinical Interventions (3)
Provides students with basic skills required for competent practice of cognitive and behavioral therapies. Topics include behavioral skills training, cognitive restructuring, contingency management, and exposure-based procedures. Prerequisite: minimum second year graduate clinical psychology student.

PSYCLN 545 Introduction to Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (3)
Introduces dialectical behavioral therapy, an empirically supported treatment approach for high risk clinical populations. Topics include mindfulness, dialectics, validation, behavioral therapy, and case conceptualization. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

PSYCLN 546 Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Group Training (3)
In-depth learning of skills training component of dialectical behavior therapy, an empirically supported treatment approach for high risk clinical populations. Topics include skills in mindfulness, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness and distress tolerance. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

PSYCLN 547 Methods in Suicide and Crisis Intervention (3)
Provides a foundation for risk assessment and crisis intervention with suicidal individuals. Addresses risk factors for suicide across the age range, and methods for both behavioral interventions and crisis management with suicidal individuals. Also covers ethical issues. Offered: Sp.

PSYCLN 560 Cultural and Individual Diversity: Principles and Best Practices in Research and Applications (3)
Surveys topics on cultural and individual diversity in psychological phenomena to equip students with perspectives and tools to facilitate a principled, ongoing quest for cultural humility and competence in psychological research and evidence-based applications. Uses the lens of communities of color in the United States while considering international perspectives and intersections with other demographics. Prerequisite: graduate major standing in clinical psychology, or permission of instructor.

PSYCLN 561 Community Psychology (4)
Overview of key issues and concepts in the field of community psychology. History of field and overview of different models used to conceptualize system-level mental health issues and delivery systems. Emphasizes theory and research rather than intervention. Prerequisite: psychology graduate student, or permission of instructor.

PSYCLN 562 Cross-Cultural Competency I (2)
Focuses on development of multicultural competence in the provision of psychological services to meet APA guidelines for ethnic, linguistic, and culturally diverse populations. Students address personal development, increase their knowledge of diverse groups, and study effective models of intervention in working with clients of diverse backgrounds. Prerequisite: PSYCLN 560.

PSYCLN 563 Cross-Cultural Competency II (2)
Third in the graduate multicultural-competence sequence. Focuses on American ethnic minorities, multiracial children and families, social action, and organizational development. Prerequisite: PSYCLN 562.

PSYCLN 570 Advances in Clinical Psychology (3-5, max. 30)
Intensive readings from the current literature on an emerging topic or theoretical perspective in clinical psychology. Student presentations and discussion. Prerequisite: graduate standing in psychology, or permission of instructor.

PSYCLN 571 Advances in Child Clinical Psychology (3-5, max. 30)
Intensive readings from the current literature on an emerging topic or theoretical perspective in child clinical psychology. Prerequisite: graduate standing in psychology, or permission of instructor.

PSYCLN 572 Seminar in Clinical Psychology (1-2, max. 30)
Weekly meetings for discussion of current topics. Prerequisite: graduate standing in psychology, or permission instructor.

PSYCLN 573 Seminar in Child Clinical Psychology (1-2, max. 30)
Weekly meetings for discussion of current topics. Prerequisite: graduate standing in psychology, or permission of instructor.

PSYCLN 574 Independent Study in Affective Science (5)
Designed to provide a broad overview of the field of affective science. The goal is to increase knowledge base and to facilitate the integration of concepts, methods, and scientific findings in affective science into scientific and clinical activities. Offered: AWSpS.

PSYCLN 575 Independent Study in Behavioral Neurosciences (5)
Provide students with a broad overview of the field of behavioral neurosciences. Satisfies the requirement of the APA for graduate level training in biological aspects of behavior. Increases knowledge base and facilitates the integration of concepts, methods and scientific findings in behavioral neurosciences into scientific and clinical activities. Offered: AWSpS.

PSYCLN 576 Independent Study in Cognitive Science (5)
Provides students with a broad overview of the field of cognitive science. Designed to increase student knowledge base and to facilitate the integration of concepts, methods, and scientific findings in cognitive science into their scientific and clinical activities. Offered: AWSpS.

PSYCLN 577 Independent Study in Lifespan Development (5)
Designed to provide students with a broad overview of developmental aspects of behavior, with a focus on lifespan development. The goal is to increase student knowledge base and to facilitate the integration of concepts, methods, and scientific findings in lifespan development into their scientific and clinical activities. Offered: AWSpS.

PSYCLN 580 Clinical Practica and Colloquium (1-3)
Required of all clinical psychology graduate students seeing clients in the clinic. Clinical colloquium required of all second-year students, optional for others. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWS.

PSYCLN 581 Clinical Methods: Interviewing (2)
Provides the foundation for developing good clinical skills. Enables students to conduct an initial clinical interview and generate a diagnostic formulation, problem list, and treatment plan after taking a complete history. Limited to and required of all second-year clinical psychology graduate students. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

PSYCLN 582 Clinical Methods: Ethics (3)
Enables students to acquire a thorough working knowledge of the American Psychological Association's Ethical Standards for Psychologists; an awareness of SA国际传媒 state law as it affects psychologists and a knowledge of how to identify and solve ethical dilemmas. Limited to and required of all second-year clinical psychology graduate students. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

PSYCLN 583 Clinical Supervision (4, max. 100)
Supervised psychotherapy involving several individual clients. Separate consultations with instructor for intensive supervision of each case. Occasional meetings in small groups of instructors and students to discuss case material. Assigned readings appropriate to each case with opportunities to discuss these with instructor. Prerequisite: clinical psychology graduate standing and permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

PSYCLN 585 Fieldwork in Clinical Psychology (1-5, max. 36)
Prerequisite: second-year graduate major standing and permission of departmental faculty.

PSYCLN 586 Dialectical Behavior Therapy Practicum (1-5, max. 60)
This practicum class is a weekly DBT therapist consultation team meeting. Students are required to deliver individual and group DBT to high risk clients and to discuss cases and receive and provide feedback during team meetings. This class is one component of a larger 2-year practicum in which students are required to complete DBT Intensive Training and take a series of six graduate seminars to learn about DBT and its behavioral foundations. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

PSYCLN 588 Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive, and Traumatic-stress Related Disorders Practicum (1-5, max. 30)
Provides training and supervision in conducting empirically supported assessments and treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive, and other anxiety/stress and mood-related disorders. For advanced clinical psychology students who seek additional experience and supervision in conducting semi-structured assessments and in delivering anxiety-related treatment protocols. Recommended: PSYCLN 532. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

PSYCLN 589 LEARN Clinic Practicum (1-3, max. 20)
Provides students training and practical experience in the evaluation of learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children, adolescents, and adults. Prerequisite: 3rd year clinical psychology graduate students and above who have completed graduate-level courses in assessment (including assessment of intelligence) and/or have significant experience in administration of cognitive tests (e.g., tests of intelligence such as the WISC or WAIS). Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

PSYCLN 590 Parent-Child Practicum (1-3, max. 30)
Students deliver Behavioral Parent Training and other evidence based treatments. Includes didactics, live observation of instructor, group and individual supervision. Students use a sliding scale fee structure to increase socioeconomic diversity among clients served, and receive supervision on how to individualize treatment for each client, given his/her clinical presentation. Prerequisite: 3rd year clinical psychology graduate students and above who have completed graduate-level courses Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

PSYCLN 591 Consultation and Supervision (2)
Introduces students to the competencies essential to providing consultation and supervision. Prepares students to take on roles of both consultants and supervisors-in-training as a step toward developing the necessary competence to eventually consult or supervise effectively as licensed psychologists. Prerequisite: 3rd year clinical grad and above students who have completed the Clinical Methods sequence. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

PSYCLN 596 Advanced Clinical Practicum (1-6, max. 55)
Advanced supervised training in specific empirically supported treatment approaches. Each practicum provides intensive training in a specific treatment, such as dialectical behavior therapy, functional analytic psychotherapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness-based relapse prevention, and exposure treatment for anxiety disorders. Prerequisite: graduate standing in clinical psychology; PSYCH 593; permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.