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NMETH 210 Science, Evidence and Health: Mastering Health Information and Personal Health Technologies (4/5) SSc/NSc, DIV
Provides foundations for becoming skilled consumers of health information and health technologies. Using current topics in health, students will learn to navigate the available health information, understand its quality, become familiar with personal health technologies, and link information learned to their health and the health of their communities. Offered: W.

NMETH 403 Introduction to Research in Nursing (1/3, max. 3)
Introduction to concepts and processes of research used in investigating nursing problems.

NMETH 416 Methods for Research and Inquiry in Nursing I (2)
Explores the generation of new knowledge and evidence base for nursing practice in health and illness. Focuses on appraising literature and methods for generating evidence. Offered: A.

NMETH 417 Methods for Research and Inquiry in Nursing II (2)
Explores the generation of new knowledge and evidence base for nursing practice in heath and illness. Focuses on searching evidence, appraising evidence, and classifying different types/levels of evidence. Offered: W.

NMETH 418 Methods for Research and Inquiry in Nursing III (2)
Explores the generation of new knowledge and evidence base for nursing practice in health and illness. Focuses on identifying gaps in the literature/evidence, and formulating a plan to conduct research. Offered: Sp.

NMETH 419 Application of Methods for Research and Inquiry in Nursing (2)
Apply methods for contributing to evidence relevant to nursing. In small groups identify, implement, and disseminate a plan for generating, evaluating, synthesizing, or translating evidence around health, healthcare, and/or nursing practice. Offered: Sp.

NMETH 450 Informatics, Patient Safety, and Quality Improvement (3)
Explores concepts of the patient safety, quality and cost-effectiveness of health care, root cause analysis, and use of information technologies that promote quality and safety. Culminates in the design, implementation and evaluation of a small test of change with presentation of findings. Prerequisite: NMETH 403 or ABSN status; recommended: NMETH 403 ABSN status

NMETH 499 Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 12)
Supervised individual scholarly inquiry on a specific nursing problem. Credit/no-credit only.

NMETH 520 Scholarly Inquiry for Clinical Informatics Practice (4)
Prepares students to evaluate completed research for scientific adequacy and applicability to clinical informatics practice. Students apply conceptual, theoretical, ethical, and empirical knowledge as a basis for posing clinical informatics research questions, identifying research designs, selecting sampling and data collection strategies and proposing analytic methods to answer a research question. Offered: Sp.

NMETH 522 Data Management for Research Professionals (4)
Surveys industrial strength data management, using techniques applicable to multi-center, longitudinal research trials with survey instruments. Involves challenges research professionals face as they graduate from a student project to a study with hundreds of cases, variables, multiple survey instruments and a staggered, repeated sampling protocol. Credit/no-credit only.

NMETH 523 Project Management and System Analysis for Health Informatics (3)
Application of methods of inquiry to develop a scholarly proposal through faculty-guided individual composition. Students select the project topic and complete the conceptual phase of proposal development to fulfill their project plan. Offered: A.

NMETH 524 Healthcare Information Systems and the Electronic Health Records (3)
Overview and analysis of healthcare informatics issues, including patient safety and Information Technology (IT), infrastructure, clinical systems, definitions and functions of EHR systems, IT leadership in healthcare organizations, informatics change management, including key user roles evaluating EHR and workflow changes. Offered: W.

NMETH 526 Patient-Centered Technologies (3)
Current and emerging consumer-centric eHealth technologies. Theories and principles of health, communication, information, cognitive processing, and human-technology interaction. Experts from multiple disciplines and patient/consumers lead seminar presentations and discussions on select topics. Addresses ethical implications of these tools, including health disparities. Offered: Sp.

NMETH 527 Introduction to Clinical Informatics (3)
Overview of the history, current efforts, and future challenges in designing, developing, and implementing information and communication technologies for healthcare. Examines how these technologies fulfill the Quadruple Aim: enhancing the patient experience, improving population health, reducing the overall cost of care, and improving the work life of health care providers. Offered: A.

NMETH 528 Computing Fundamentals for Health Professionals (3)
Survey of applied computing concepts, including computer algorithms, operating systems, networking, databases, digital privacy and security, applied programming principles to enhance productivity, and data science opportunities and pitfalls in healthcare. Offered: W.

NMETH 529 Database Concepts and Applications in Clinical Informatics (3)
Introduction to relational database theory and technology from a clinical informatics perspective. Focuses on transactional database theory, architecture, and implementation in a socio-technical context and analyzes database applications used in clinical environments. Introduces knowledge bases and data warehouses. Prerequisite: NMETH 528. Offered: Sp.

NMETH 530 Scholarly Proposal Development (4)
Focuses on the application of methods of inquiry to develop a scholarly proposal through faculty-guided individual composition. Students select a project topic and complete the conceptual phase of proposal development to fulfill their project plan. Prerequisite: NMETH 520. Offered: S.

NMETH 533 Appraisal and Translation of Evidence for Practice (5)
Designed to enhance use of methods to critically appraise literature, design, and implement processes to evaluate outcomes of practice, and promote patient-centered care. Applies relevant findings to improve practice, develop guidelines, and use information technology and research methods. Includes dissemination of findings. Prerequisite: either NMETH 535 or permission of instructor.

NMETH 535 Nursing Inquiry to Support Evidence-Based Practice (4)
Works to understand and apply conceptual, ethical, and practical aspects of quantitative and qualitative research methods by design, sampling, data collection, measurement, and analysis, as a basis for evaluating and generating evidence for nursing practice. Develops skills in data management and statistical analysis to utilize in practice-based inquiry. Course overlaps with: HSERV 517. Prerequisite: either NGS 555 or permission of instructor.

NMETH 536 Methods of Program Evaluation and Quality Improvement (4)
Teaches principles and practice of program evaluation and quality assurance. Emphasizes current practices in designing, managing, evaluating, and disseminating finding for use in a variety of healthcare contexts. Includes content on use of informatics to improve healthcare delivery effectiveness, efficiency, and safety. Prerequisite: either NMETH 535, which may be taken concurrently, or permission of instructor.

NMETH 570 Seminar in Clinical Research in Nursing (3)
Philosophy, problems of design; use of criterion measures in terms of patient care.

NMETH 575 Methodological Issues in Family Research (3)
Emphasizes research with the family as unit of analysis. Examines patterns of family functioning in relation to responses to heal situations. Reviews family units from generational and intergenerational perspectives. Critiques methods assessing dyadic and triadic relationships and therapeutic interventions on family outcomes. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

NMETH 579 Quantitative Research Methods (5)
Provides the foundation for appraising and designing quantitative research (non-experimental, quasi-experimental, and experimental), including research questions, hypothesis testing, methodological and analytic approaches for nursing and health-related sciences. Prerequisite: matriculated student in PhD in Nursing Science program; recommended: completion of both the statistics sequence requirement and epidemiology requirement for the PhD in Nursing Science program. Offered: Sp.

NMETH 580 Methodological Perspectives in Nursing Inquiry (3)
Allows students to translate philosophical and theoretical perspectives into research methodologies. Foci include the relationship of theoretical perspectives to methodologies; the methodological issues among and between varying schools of thought such as interpretive/postmodern, critical/feminist, and contemporary empiricist; and how the methodologies influence choices of research design and methods. Prerequisite: NURS 588 or permission of instructor.

NMETH 581 Observational Research Methods (2-6, max. 6)
Examines observational methods for conducting verbal and nonverbal behavioral research. Emphasizes critical analysis and rigor in research question formulation, measurement decisions, coding scheme development, data collection, and analysis and interpretation of data. In-depth application of observational method optional. Prerequisite: graduate standing and basic research methods course or permission of instructor. Offered: W.

NMETH 582 Qualitative Research Inquiry and Methods (5)
An introductory seminar appraising multiple interpretive traditions, methodologies, and research questions, designs and methods for knowledge development about health related issues. Explores moral, ethical, and research consent issues. Prerequisite: graduate standing. Offered: Sp.

NMETH 583 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods (4)
Advanced seminar and practicum focused on study design, analysis, and dissemination within a selected interpretive tradition. Demonstration of a selected research strategy and method is required. Prerequisite: prior introductory course about qualitative research; and completion of a pre-course survey to determine course preparation.

NMETH 584 Methods: Physiologic Measures (4)
Exploration of the measurement of physiologic functioning in human and animal models. Examples include biochemical and biophysical measure. Students develop beginning skills with one physiologic measure. Prerequisite: physiology and chemistry and permission of instructor.

NMETH 588 Mixed Methods Research for Health Sciences (4)
Focuses on understanding research designs that combine qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis and integration to answer critical healthcare questions. Includes application of analysis and synthesis of selected design approaches using real data. Course overlaps with: HSERV 517. Prerequisite: graduate student standing. Foundational graduate level quantitative and qualitative research courses. Permission of instructor. Offered: A.

NMETH 590 Special Topics in Nursing Research (2-5, max. 9)
Examination of a specific research method, with evaluation of appropriateness, efficiency, rigor of measurement, and potential for inference for nursing research. Prerequisite: minimum of 5 credits of basic nursing research methodology at graduate level and permission of instructor.

NMETH 591 The Science of Therapeutics: Design and Outcomes (4)
Synthesizes advanced strategies to evaluate the short- and long-term outcomes of clinical therapeutics with special emphasis on feasibility, pilot studies, and randomized control trials. Includes analysis of completed studies as well as the design of a randomized control trial of a clinical therapeutic. Prerequisite: NMETH 579, NURS 592, or permission of instructor.

NMETH 592 Clinical Outcome Research II (2-4, max. 4)
Application and evaluation of philosophical, methodological, and analytical concepts and issues examined in NMETH 591. Two modules are offered: a) case study and small-n studies and b) large-n studies. Students demonstrate application of decision-making process involved in development of clinical outcome study. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

NMETH 594 Innovations in Health Systems Delivery: Implementation and Measurement (3)
Overview of T3/T4 research focusing on translation of effective interventions into practice and the community. Innovations in health services research including frameworks, appropriate study designs, methods, modalities, strategies and tools (formative, implementation, dissemination and communication). Introduces basic cost/comparative effectiveness. Prerequisite: graduate standing. Offered: W, odd years.

NMETH 595 Designing a Theory-Driven Behavioral Intervention (3)
Focuses on design and development of a theory- and population-informed behavioral intervention to enhance health behavior and outcomes. Examines selected theories of health behavior, including potential contribution to framing a behavioral intervention. Analytical process of "fitting" a theory onto an observed health related problem in a specific population is included as well as research designs and methods to evaluate interventions. Prerequisite: NURS 589 (or equivalent), or permission of instructor; recommended: graduate-level standing.

NMETH 596 Application of Methods in Conduct of Research (5)
Develops knowledge and skills related to practical implementation of research projects for PhD students. Areas include protocol development, IRB procedures and applications, standard operating procedures, data management, study staff composition, community advisory boards, budget management, and study oversight. Prerequisite: graduate standing in Nursing, or permission of instructor. Offered: Sp.

NMETH 598 Special Projects ([1-12]-, max. 12)
Fulfills the requirements of the non-thesis option for Master's students in nursing. Projects involve scholarly inquiry with in-depth focused analysis, culminating in a written product/report for dissemination. Prerequisite: NMETH 520 or permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.

NMETH 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.

NMETH 610 Research Practicum (2-4, max. 8)
Hands-on, practical experience as a member of a research team, supervised by graduate faculty in Nursing or related disciplines. Students will participate in team meetings, complete reflection assignments, and contribute to study activities. Possible areas of contribution include subject recruitment and screening; instrument development; data collection, management or analysis, interpretation of results; and dissemination or report writing. Prerequisite: PhD students in Nursing Science. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

NMETH 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.

NMETH 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of Supervisory Committee chairperson or Graduate Program Coordinator. Credit/no-credit only.

NMETH 801 Practice Doctorate Project (3-, max. 6)
Addresses a clinical or systems problem using an evidence-based, practice relevant approach. Students engage in self-reflection, collaborative partnership building, and use of leadership strategies. Analyzes implications of project for future practice and practice inquiry activities. Culminates in written and oral reports for dissemination. Recommended: Student in final year of program Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AW.