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MUSED 301 Techniques for Teaching Music to Children (2) A&H
Exercises and applied experiences in sight-singing and error detection, keyboard skills, record and instruments of the Orff ensemble relevant to the teaching of music to children. Prerequisite: either MUSIC 212 or MUSIC 302; MUSAP 135.

MUSED 304 Introductory Music Methods I (2, max. 4) A&H
Comprehensive examination of materials for training beginning vocal and instrumental students. Topics include recruiting, motivation, and problems associated with evaluation. Methods of starting beginners and rehearsing ensembles are demonstrated with techniques addressing problems unique to public school ensemble instruction. Must be taken concurrently with MUSED 301; MUSED 340. Offered: A.

MUSED 305 Introductory Music Methods II (2, max. 4) A&H
Comprehensive examination of materials for training beginning vocal and instrumental students. Topics include recruiting, motivation, problems associated with evaluation. Methods of starting beginners and rehearsing ensembles are demonstrated with techniques addressing problems unique to public school ensemble instruction. Offered: W.

MUSED 306 Introductory Music Methods III (2, max. 4) A&H
Comprehensive examination of materials for training beginning vocal and instrumental students. Topics include recruiting, motivation, problems associated with evaluation. Methods of starting beginners and rehearsing ensembles are demonstrated with techniques addressing problems unique to public school ensemble instruction. Offered: Sp.

MUSED 340 Music in Education (3) A&H
An orientation to the broad scope of issues regarding music in the schools (K-12), including curriculum, the development of instructional strategies, and evaluation techniques.

MUSED 401 Tin Pan Alley: Concepts and Teaching Strategies for Music Educators (1) A&H
Overview of Tin Pan Alley phenomenon that dominated the American popular music industry for nearly 70 years. For music educators. Focuses on cooperative learning strategies and performance considerations in the school environment.

MUSED 402 Rock and Roll Roots for Music Educators (1) A&H
Overview of the musical and cultural roots of American Rock and Roll for music educators. Explores teaching strategies and performance possibilities in the school environment.

MUSED 403 Part-Time Student Teaching in Music (6) A&H
Supervised teaching internship. Directed observations of distinguished teachers in an elementary or secondary music setting. Weekly seminars. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

MUSED 404 Full-Time Student Teaching in Music (15) A&H
Supervised teaching internship. Directed observations of distinguished teachers in an elementary or secondary music setting. Weekly seminars. Prerequisite: MUSED 403. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

MUSED 410 Instrumental Rehearsal Techniques (3) A&H
Includes score preparation, rehearsal formats, and error detection.

MUSED 431 Curriculum in Music Education (3) A&H
Principles and practices of curriculum design applied to the development of the music curriculum. Individual or group work on elementary and secondary school music curriculum projects.

MUSED 432 Comprehensive Music in the Secondary School (3) A&H
The teaching of music and its literature in music classes other than traditional ensembles from grade six through adults. Prerequisite: MUSED 340.

MUSED 440 Music for Children (3) A&H
Identification and selection of appropriate objectives, materials, teaching strategies, and evaluation techniques used in teaching music from birth through grade five, with consideration of various approaches (e.g., Delcroze, Kodaly, Orff) for the musical development of children. Prerequisite: MUSED 302; MUSED 340

MUSED 442 Instrumental Curriculum: Methods and Materials (3) A&H
Study of the organization and administration of school instrumental music; the selection and use of materials and teaching strategies from beginning to advanced levels of instrumental instruction. Prerequisite: MUSED 340.

MUSED 443 Choral Curriculum: Methods and Materials (3) A&H
Study of the organization and administration of school choral music; the selection and use of materials and teaching strategies from beginning to advanced levels of choral instruction. Prerequisite: MUSED 340.

MUSED 452 Ethnomusicology in the Schools (3) A&H, DIV
Examines questions of diversity, equity, and inclusion in school and community music practice, with attention to ways of achieving multicultural-intercultural sensitivity through music. Prerequisite: MUSED 340.

MUSED 453 Approaches to Classroom Instruction: K-12 (3) A&H
Examines such major instructional approaches as MMCP, Orff, Kodaly, and Dalcroze. Included are the philosophy of each and the methods, materials, and instructional skills needed for classroom application. Prerequisite: MUSED 403.

MUSED 465 Classroom Management and Evaluation in Music Education (3) A&H
Provides future teachers with strategies and techniques for classroom management, motivation, assessment, and evaluation for applications to K-12 school music programs. Prerequisite: MUSED 340.

MUSED 475 Teaching the Music of Selected Cultures (1, max. 6) A&H
Music and culture of a specific world region with particular attention to songs, stories, and instrumental pieces applicable to the teaching of music and the arts in elementary and secondary schools.

MUSED 480 Music Methods for Classroom Teachers (3) A&H
Addresses the basic fundamentals of music and methods for teaching K-6 school children. Topics include repertoire appropriate for different age levels, methods and materials for integrating music into the K-6 curriculum.

MUSED 496 Special Topics in Music Education (1-3, max. 10) A&H
Special studies designed to reflect contemporary emphases and concerns in the music education profession.

MUSED 501 Introduction to Research in Music Education (3)
Seminar in research design and method with emphasis on identification of problems in music instruction, interpretation of data, and application of findings to classroom settings.

MUSED 502 Quantitative Research in Music Education (3)
Seminar in quantitative research utilizing experimental, quasi-experimental, and descriptive design, with emphasis on the pursuit of solutions to pedagogical problems through appropriate research procedures, analysis, and interpretation of findings. Prerequisite: MUSED 501.

MUSED 522 Psychology of Music Learning and Teaching (3)
Examines previous research in areas related to music cognition, including music perception, music performance, musical creativity, musical affect, musical preference, and social psychology. Explores how this research relates to curriculum and practice in music education. Role of theory, method, and procedure for psychological research in music education.

MUSED 523 Tests and Measurement (3)
Examination of currently published aptitude and achievement tests in music and their uses in music education. Explores the basic methods for constructing classroom tests and their use in evaluation. Selected readings include researching test construction and application of tests and measurement to program evaluation.

MUSED 524 Seminar in Music Education (3)
Special problems in the teaching and supervision of music in the elementary grades. Prerequisite: one year of teaching experience.

MUSED 525 Seminar in Music Education (3)
Special problems in the teaching and administration of music in the secondary school and community college. Prerequisite: one year of teaching experience.

MUSED 530 Administration and Supervision in Music Education (3)
Survey of issues in policy and systems for facilities, student/personnel, technology, school/community relations, and special programs in music education. Focuses on evaluating and improving existing programs. Includes supervision of student teachers.

MUSED 535 Seminar in Musical Development (3)
Critical review of theories, methods of inquiry, designs, and conclusions of research in musical development from early childhood through adolescence. Emphasis on evaluating theories and methods of studying musical development and exploring their relationship to theories of general intellectual development; adult music cognition research; and curriculum and practice in music education.

MUSED 540 History of American Music Education (3)
A chronological examination of individual, social, and political events, and educational philosophies, that characterized the development of music instruction in American schools from colonial times to the present.

MUSED 542 Comparative Music Education (3)
A transcultural examination of philosophy and practice of music instruction.

MUSED 550 Proseminar in Music Education (3)
Examination of the major literature in the philosophy, history, psychology, and sociology of formal school music instruction.

MUSED 552 World Music Education (3)
Seminar on issues of multiculturalism and the world music "movement" as they affect school music curriculum and instruction. Curricular content and cultural context examined in relation to teaching K-12 students, teachers, and undergraduate students in music education programs. Offered: AWSpS.

MUSED 560 Contemporary Issues in Music Education (1-3, max. 6)
Seminar focusing on review of literature on psychological and sociological aspects of music education, including SA国际传媒al and philosophical foundations of music education in the United States. Appropriate for MA students seeking guidance in preparation of topic for examinations. Prerequisite: MUSED 501.

MUSED 561 Seminar in Theories of Music Instruction (3, max. 9)
Theories of music instruction, with special attention to curriculum, instructional procedures, and assessment of learning. Prerequisite: MUSED 501, or permission of instructor.

MUSED 575 Seminar in Music Education Research (1-3, max. 6)
Examines research and research-based issues relevant to music instruction and learning. Doctoral students should register each quarter until successful completion of general examination. Offered: A.