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ETHICS 207 Issues of Global Justice (5) SSc, DIV
Introduces issues of global justice. Topics include: global poverty and aid, immigration, transnational governance, gender in global relations, climate change, and cultural relativism. Offered: jointly with PHIL 207/POL S 217.

ETHICS 291 Ethics in Science (5) A&H/SSc
Provides an introduction to ethics and research ethics issues in the non-medical sciences. Possible topics include: publication and peer review, intellectual property, and the social responsibilities of scientists. Offered: jointly with PHIL 291.

ETHICS 495 Ethics in Practice (2)
Culmination of the ethics minor. Synthesizes training in ethics with primary discipline. Includes a project of positive social engagement (service learning or research project with fieldwork). Limited to undergraduates completing the minor in ethics. Credit/no-credit only.

ETHICS 499 Independent Study (1-5, max. 15)
Intensive study with faculty supervision. Offered: AWSpS.

ETHICS 501 Advanced Topics in Applied Ethics (2-5, max. 10)
Philosophical study of topics in applied ethics at the advanced level. Topics vary.

ETHICS 511 Ethics Matters: An Exploration of Some Moral Qualities (5)
Asks what we fundamentally require of ourselves and others if we are to live together in morally acceptable ways by discussing moral qualities as they appear in various arenas. Topics include: autonomy, respect, integrity, and trust.

ETHICS 512 Justice Matters: An Exploration of Justice as a Social Ideal (5)
Asks what makes social policies and institutions morally acceptable, primarily through a discussion about justice and injustice. Topics include: relativism, the sources of competing conceptions of justice and equality, cost-benefit analysis, distributive justice, and beneficence.

ETHICS 513 Capstone Workshop (2)
Collaborative research workshop. Capstone course for the ethics graduate certificate program. Prerequisite: ETHICS 511 or ETHICS 512. Offered: Sp.

ETHICS 591 Ethics Matters in Science: Research Questions as Moral Questions (3)
Aims to introduce graduate and professional students from a wide range of primarily non-medical scientific backgrounds to some common moral questions that arise in the course of doing scientific research, and to provide a basic philosophical framework for thinking about related issues that arise within their own disciplines or fields.

ETHICS 600 Independent Study (1-5, max. 15)
Intensive study with faculty supervision. Offered: AWSpS.