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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

ECFS 200 Introduction to Early Childhood and Family Studies (3) SSc
Explores current practices, programs, and research in the field of early childhood and family studies. Topics include: child development, early childhood education, parenting and family support, mental health, poverty, and other risk factors. Requires a community-based learning experience commitment of at least 3 hours per week. Course overlaps with: ECE 201.

ECFS 201 Introduction to Online Learning (2)
Introduction to the use of a variety of technologies necessary for completion of the ECFS online undergraduate degree, including video technologies, peer collaboration, and portfolio development. Prerequisite: ECFS 200.

ECFS 301 Early Childhood Curriculum (5) SSc
Focuses on developmental foundations and theoretical and researched-based models of early childhood curriculum. Studies approaches to designing, organizing, and implementing early learning programs. Studies curricular content for supporting children's learning and development in physical development; social and emotional development; approaches to learning; cognition; and language and early literacy.

ECFS 303 Exploring the Landscape of the Early Learning Profession (3)
Provides an overview of foundational research findings, aspects of family and community contexts, and professional pathways working with and on behalf of children and families. Exploration of various topics, issues, and inequities in the lives of children and families and the multiple professions in this interdisciplinary field of study.

ECFS 304 Service Learning and Research II (1-6, max. 6)
Provides students with opportunities in community-based early childhood or family support settings. Includes a field experience and a once-a-week seminar. Ties together research and practice demonstrating how research informs evidence-based decision-making in programs and services for young children and families. Credit/no-credit only.

ECFS 310 Early Childhood Education Lecture Series: Influential Scholars in the Field (2-5)
Lecture series featuring scholars in early childhood education presenting a variety of approaches to bridging research and practice as they underscore the importance of early learning across curriculum domains and in various contexts. Helps students interpret the conclusions and recommendations of scholarly contexts.

ECFS 311 Teaching from the Inside Out: Being a Resilient Educator (3) SSc
Equips students with skills and strategies to optimize their effectiveness as early childhood educators. Students learn how to be as healthy as possible; possess the confidence to manage stressful situations; connect effectively with others; and focus on the positive aspects of life.

ECFS 312 Positive Behavioral Support in Early Childhood (3-5)
Addresses the significance of social and emotional development in the early years. Discusses the adoption of models and evidence-based practice strategies that focus on promoting social-emotional development, providing support for children's appropriate behavior and preventing challenging behavior. Examines how adult resiliency and wellness relates to improved early care and teaching. Prerequisite: ECFS 301; ECFS 303; and ECFS 321.

ECFS 315 Parenting and Child Development: Socioeconomic and Racial Inequities in the Early Life Course (5) DIV
Examines how complex social systems, including income inequalities, race/ethnicity, and immigration status contribute to parenting practices and family investment in child development, with a focus on young children from birth through age 8.

ECFS 320 Childhood in Cultural Context: Theory and Practice (5) SSc, DIV
Focuses on preparing students to work and form reciprocal and meaningful relationships with children and families from diverse cultural backgrounds in the US and abroad by increasing understanding of how environmental factors can impact child development across cultures and increasing cultural responsiveness, including its application in evidence-based practices. Recommended: None

ECFS 321 Engaging Interactions and Environments (3) SSc
Increases participants' knowledge about the importance of high quality early childhood education, and the specific types of environments and interactions that support the development of children's social-emotional, cognitive, and early academic skills.

ECFS 330 Creative Thinking and Expression in Early Childhood Development and Learning (3) A&H
We examine the critical role of creativity and creative expression in the social, emotional, and cognitive development of young children, discuss processes that encourage creative thinking, and consider the cultural context in which children learn and develop. Issues of equity regarding access to the arts are considered as we explore ways to engage young children in creative thinking and as creators and consumers of the creative arts.

ECFS 399 Current Issues and Trends in Early Childhood and Family Studies (3-5, max. 10) SSc
Explores current theory, research, policy, and practice in early childhood and family studies.

ECFS 400 Child Observation and Assessment (5) SSc
Focuses on observation and methods used to study and understand young children in the context of families and society. Develops skills to understand children's behavior in learning environments. Examines approaches to and purposes for assessment and documentation of children's development and learning. Explores approaches to assessing early learning environments. Prerequisite: ECFS 301; ECFS 303; and ECFS 321.

ECFS 401 Understanding Early Childhood and Family Studies Research (5) SSc, RSN
Focuses on the kinds of knowledge, ways of knowing, and modes of inquiry relevant to early childhood and family studies. Through identifying and reviewing substantive research in their areas of interest, students locate ideas for inquiry within the research literature in early childhood and family studies. Course overlaps with: ECE 401. Prerequisite: EDPSY 302 and ECFS 303.

ECFS 402 Social Policy and Young Children and Families (5) SSc
Seeks to deepen understanding of contemporary social issues and problems that impact families and young children. Discusses legislation and other policies form a local, national, and global perspective. Explores the complex web of social, private, and governmental organization that impact families and young children. Course overlaps with: ECE 402. Prerequisite: ECFS 401 or ECE 401.

ECFS 403 Senior Capstone (2)
Students in the Core pathway complete and present a senior project during the final quarter in the major. Provides advanced opportunity to synthesize research and policy perspectives about a topic of relevance to the field of early childhood education and present findings to a panel of peers and colleagues. Prerequisite: ECFS 401 or ECE 401.

ECFS 410 Laying the Foundation for Reading: Supporting Language and Literacy Development in Preschool (5) A&H
Increases knowledge about language and literacy developments between ages 3 to 5 and the ways in which these developments are critical precursors to the emergence of and success with formal reading skills, and to build participants' use of evidence-based language and literacy practices within the preschool classroom. Prerequisite: ECFS 301; ECFS 303; ECFS 312; ECFS 321; ECFS 400; and EDPSY 302.

ECFS 411 Fostering the Development of Young Children's Mathematics and Science Knowledge and Skills (5) NSc/SSc
Increases knowledge about cognitive developments between ages 3 to 5 and ways in which these developments are critical precursors to emergence and success with later content and skills in mathematics and science. Learn to design and implement effective instructional practices and interactions with children that support their learning and development. Prerequisite: ECFS 410 and ECFS 454.

ECFS 412 Learning with Digital Media in Early Childhood (3)
Addresses how young children learn basic literacy and mathematics skills, and develop an interest in science from engaging with digital media. Examines how teachers of young children need to be prepared in instructional practices that can enhance learning from media in a developmentally appropriate way.

ECFS 419 Family and Community Influences on the Young Child (5) SSc, DIV
Develops an understanding of families of young children from different socio-cultural backgrounds, child socialization and development in family and community contexts (immigrant, refugee, indigenous, special-needs and vulnerable children), parenting across cultures, family processes, family systems theories, socio-cultural theories, and family-child collaborative partnerships using family and community strengths and resources. Prerequisite: EDSPE 304 or EDSPE 404

ECFS 454 Senior Project I (2)
First of a three-quarter sequence leading to the completion and presentation of the senior project during spring quarter. Provides advanced opportunities to integrate theory and practice in community-based early childhood or family support programs and research settings. Includes a weekly seminar to reflect on and expand on applied experiences. Prerequisite: ECFS 301; ECFS 303; ECFS 312; ECFS 321; ECFS 400; and EDPSY 302.

ECFS 455 Senior Project II (2)
Second of a three-quarter sequence leading to the completion and presentation of the senior project during spring quarter. Provides advanced opportunities to integrate theory and practice in community-based early childhood or family support programs and research settings. Includes a weekly seminar to reflect on and expand on applied experiences. Prerequisite: ECFS 410 and ECFS 454.

ECFS 456 Senior Project III (2)
Third of a three-quarter sequence leading to the completion and presentation of the senior project during the final quarter in the major. Provides advanced opportunities to integrate theory and practice in community-based learning and research experience continues during the quarter. Prerequisite: ECFS 410; ECFS 411; ECFS 454; and ECFS 455.

ECFS 475 Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Childhood Education (2/3)
Explores the philosophical and pedagogical principles of the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education. Students discuss this approach in comparison to what they know and understand about early childhood education in the U.S. and other countries. Includes opportunities to investigate other international approaches to early childhood education.

ECFS 480 Individualizing Teaching and Learning (5) SSc
Introduction to effective practices that support the development of young children. Focuses on evidence-based, individualized instructional methods and strategies used in teaching and facilitation the development of young children in response to both their strengths and needs.

ECFS 495 Advanced Seminar in Early Childhood and Family Studies (3, max. 9)
Addresses current topics and critical issues in the field of early childhood and family studies in an advanced seminar format.

ECFS 499 Undergraduate Research (*)
Students conducting this research produce a report or a paper setting forth the results of their investigation which should be regarded as a basic part of the independent study plan. Credit/no-credit only.