Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
CEP 200 Introduction to Community and Environmental Planning (5) SSc
Introduction to central themes of major. Opportunities to engage in community action and planning process, while developing ecological literacy. Lectures, discussions, and critical writing exercises combine to increase knowledge and interest in these fields. Emphasis on developing community of learners in and out of classroom setting. Offered: AW.
CEP 300 CEP Retreat (1, max. 4)
Focuses on planning analysis assessment and development of the major. Opportunities for community building and all-major policy deliberation and decisions. Workshops for skill building in consensus, facilitation, and for major-specific activities such as developing individual study plans and study abroad experiences. Prerequisite: Majors only. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: ASp.
CEP 301 The Idea of Community (5) SSc
Theories of community and communal rights and responsibilities. Experience building a learning community within major. Explores struggles for community in every sector of life. Offered: A.
CEP 302 Environmental Response (5) NSc/SSc
Explores issues of environmental crisis and societal responses. Readings and reflective analysis from broad selection of authoritative sources to develop grounded perspective in ecological literacy and consciousness. Concurrently, experiential education in challenges and practical responses to building sustainable society through participation in community-based environmental effort. Offered: W.
CEP 303 Social Structures and Processes (5) SSc
Investigates use of formal and informal social structures and processes within context of community and environment. Looks at patterns and institutions of social organization and relationships among different sectors. Issues of interrelatedness, citizenship, knowledge, and communication. Offered: Sp.
CEP 400 Governance Practicum (1, max. 6)
Emphasizes personal and collective leadership, democratic decision making, and learning through direct action and reflection. Explores and develops students' personal skills as doers and leaders, while also learning how to form and function as effective groups. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.
CEP 446 Internship (5, max. 10)
Connects core and individual courses with field work. Group and individual readings develop understanding of how students' internships and field placements constitute particular element of community and environmental planning. Explores how what we do for a living is part of our lives as citizens and public service. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: ASp.
CEP 460 Planning in Context (5) SSc
Examines theory against backdrop of practice for broad SA国际传媒al understanding of social, political, environmental planning. Critique from viewpoints, e.g., planning history, ethics, ecofeminism, environmental justice, class and capitalism, planning and global economy. Develop personalized history reflecting individual experience, professional experience, and philosophical heritage of planning profession. Offered: A.
CEP 461 Ethics and Identity (5) SSc/A&H
Examination of personal, societal, vocational, environmental, planning ethics. Readings and discourse on ethical foundations for public life. Individual and group readings on values, human potential. Develops understanding of ecological context, moral responsibility, self-awareness. Constructs positive, diverse view of humanity, environment regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, beliefs. Offered: W.
CEP 462 Community and Environment (5) SSc
Capstone quarter merges core seminars, disciplinary courses in major, community field experiences for mastery of personal knowledge and skills. Reflection and synthesis of themes in major; engagement with contemporary issues. Compares theoretical definitions of community and environment with individual philosophies and knowledge within thoughtful, applied context. Offered: Sp.
CEP 470 Tools for Sustainable Cities (4)
Examines specific tools used for planning sustainable cities, including hands-on learning, speakers, case studies, and site tours to enrich students' knowledge and experience. Prerequisite: CEP 200 or URBDP 300. Offered: SpS.
CEP 473 Digital Design Practicum (5) SSc/A&H
Uses digital technologies for mapping, drafting, modeling, and communication. Includes real-world case study projects that focus on urban design and planning issues.
CEP 490 Senior Project Prep Seminar I: Research and Project Scoping (1-3)
Supports the conceptualization and planning of senior project/capstone work. Focuses on selecting a project, beginning a literature review, finding a mentor, and developing a plan. Credit/no-credit only.
CEP 491 Senior Project Prep Seminar II: Methods and Actualization (1-3)
Focuses on implementing the senior project/capstone, including revisions and updates as seen fit. Credit/no-credit only.
CEP 498 Special Topics (1-9, max. 15) SSc
Systematic study of specialized subject matter.
CEP 499 Undergraduate Independent Study or Research (1-5, max. 10)
Individual reading, research, fieldwork, other special project approved and supervised by faculty adviser most appropriate for the project proposed. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.