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B STR 301 General Anatomy (4) NSc
Introduces the student to general human anatomy, examining both cellular and gross anatomy. The relationship between structure and function is a central focus of course content. Course overlaps with: BIOL 413. Offered: jointly with NURS 301.

B STR 498 Undergraduate Thesis (*, max. 30)
Individual research projects under the supervision of an instructor. For senior medical students. Offered: AWSpS.

B STR 499 Undergraduate Research (*, max. 30)
Individual research projects in cellular and developmental biology, experimental immunology, reproductive biology, neurobiology, molecular structure, morphometrics, computer modeling, and related fields under the supervision of an instructor. Offered: AWSpS.

B STR 510 Seminar in Anatomy (1)
Scientific and SA国际传媒al basis of selected studies in biological structure, anatomy, and human development. Original literature used as basis for textbook descriptions. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

B STR 515 Biological X-Ray Structure Analysis (3)
Theory of x-ray diffraction, with emphasis on applications to biological systems. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: W.

B STR 519 Current Problems in Macromolecular Structure (2, max. 10)
Macromolecular structures related to specific areas of biological research. Emphasis on discussion of relevant research papers and use of computer graphics to visualize the molecular structures. Offered: AWSpS.

B STR 520 Structure Based Design of Drugs (3, max. 9)
Research papers illustrating protein-structure- based design of new drugs. Review of methods and extensive discussion of all known mechanisms of drug resistance. Offered: W, even years.

B STR 521 Advanced Biomacromolecular Crystallography (3, max. 9)
Aspects of protein crystallography ranging from crystal growth, phase determination methods, density averaging to refinement, fiber diffraction of DNA and proteins. Offered: W, odd years.

B STR 540 Special Problems in Anatomy (1-6, max. 6)
Special projects in anatomy under sponsorship of faculty member. Prerequisite: graduate, medical, or dental student standing and permission of instructor. Offered: AWSpS.

B STR 555 Laboratory Rotation in Biological Structure (*, max. 5)
Introduction to experimental design, research methods, and scientific thought in laboratories of faculty members. Provides hands-on experience, an entrance into the literature of the field, and opportunities for discussion with all members of the laboratory. First-year dental students only. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: AWSpS.

B STR 557 Biomolecular Structure Seminar (1, max. 9)
Literature review of key research in biomolecular structure in the form of short presentations by participants followed by discussion. Critical evaluation of methods and results regarding properties and protein structure determination. Prerequisite: graduate standing in biological structure or biochemistry and permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

B STR 580 P-Anatomy Teaching Practicum (*, max. 8)
Opportunity for medical student (or other professional student) to gain teaching experience in biological structure and human biology courses, including gross anatomy, histology, and neuroanatomy. May include lecture, laboratory, conference, depending on student interest, experience. Credit based on course credit in which student is assisting. Prerequisite: permission of course chairperson. Offered: AWSp.

B STR 584 Seminar in Neurogenesis (1, max. 16)
Current research on process by which neurons are generated in the nervous system. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: AWSpS.

B STR 590 Electron Cryo-Microscopy of Biological Macromolecules and Complexes (3)
Introduces high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM); image formation and three-dimensional reconstruction theories and available software. Includes hands-on experience using the cryoEM facility for data collection and analysis; and presentations on student projects. Offered: ASp.

B STR 591 X-Ray and NMR Analysis of Macromolecular Structure (1, max. 9)
Current topics in research on molecular structure, usually emphasizing techniques of x-ray crystallography. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

B STR 598 Reading in Biological Structure (2)
Critical evaluation of research in biological structure, including current problems, methods, and future directions by reading and discussing research and review papers. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

B STR 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Offered: AWSpS.

B STR 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Offered: AWSpS.

B STR 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Offered: AWSpS.